What Is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of cultural philosophies, practices and tools that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team accreditation, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation. It enables organizations to better serve their clients and compete more effectively in the market. DevOps is a philosophy that promotes better communication and […]

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Why switch to Office 365

Why switch to Office 365 from your company’s on-premises technology?  A lot of discussions has been going around since the launch of Office 365 in 2011. Many organizations are still thinking about why they should move from other platform to Office 365, whereas some organizations have already taken this initiative. Office 365 is Microsoft’s state of […]

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Tips for Building the Perfect SharePoint Intranet & New Features of Sharepoint 2019

Tips for Building the Perfect SharePoint Intranet & Features of Sharepoint 2019 With the recent release of SharePoint 2019, Synthesis world is very excited about the Sharepoint 2019 improvements ( Sharepoint 2019 Features) that have been brought. We are the best SharePoint intranet Design and Development company. With cloud accelerated experiences, an improved hybrid search, […]

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New and improved features in SharePoint Server 2019

Access Services 2013 now supports Sending Email The Access Services 2013 service application now supports the SendEmail action for sending email messages from apps. Additional documentation links for the Central Administration site Sharepoint 2019 made it easier for farm administrators to get the latest SharePoint administration documentation and find the latest Public Updates by adding […]

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Synthesis World – Hire Dedicated Resources

Hire dedicated Developers & Resources from Synthesis World For web applications or dynamic websites hire a dedicated developer from Synthesis World. After a thorough discussion on your requirements, we offer you the skilled & dedicated resources matching your requirements. While we offer our experienced developers for lease for almost every platform out there, You can […]

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