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New features of Angular 6?

Angular 6 Improved Features –

Angular 6 was released on May, 2018. That is 6 months after its predecessor’s Angular 5 release. Please have a look for updates of Angular 6

The Angular Material Design Library –

New components has been added on Material Design Library like, A new Tree component is now added in the Angular Material Design Package and the Component Dev Kit. It allows you to visualize tree structures in a more hierarchical order, like a list of files.

Angular Elements –

Angular 6 fully supports Elements Packages now. Now it allows us to use Angular components outside of Angular like in jQuery, etc..
Using the Elements Package, you can create Angular components and publish them as Web Components, which can then be used in any HTML page.
Turning a component into a custom element gives you an easy way for creating dynamic HTML content for your Angular app, and, using the Angular Elements package, it is even easier to create native custom elements.

Component Dev Kit (CDK) –

Angular Team has made some really neat improvements to CDK for the 6th version. With the updated CDK you can now build your own library of UI components without using the Angular Material library. It also supports Responsive Web Design layouts so you don’t have to use other libraries like Flex Layout or even learn using the CSS Grid.

Command Line Interface (CLI) –

The Angular CLI is now equipped with new commands, which helps quickly add application features and also supports turning applications into progressive web apps.

An Improved Service Worker –

You can configure navigation URLS with the improved Service workers in Angular 6.

Web Pack Updated –

Web pack module bundler has been updated. By using the scope hosting technique, modules created will be smaller now.

Multiple Validators For Your Forms –

Angular 6 now allows you to pass multiple validators to the form Builder and  many more new features added…

Angular 6, in all its glory, demands that you test it yourself to fully realize the new adjustments and features.

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